Just upgraded to v2 and what can I say other than "WOW!" So many of my friends would love to have one of these now that they've seen mine. They love the dancing stick men btw ;-) I havn't installed HiJack so i apologize if some of these have been implemented there already. Here are some features that would be nice to see:

1. Super-fast fast-forwarding. I have tracks that are atleast 60 minutes long and some 120 minutes long. They are full DJ sets and I would hate to split them up into seperate tracks just to be able to access the final half or third of the DJ's mix quickly. I might suggest to keep the fast-forwarding the same as currently programed up to about 5 minutes into the track, and then speed up the search, skipping every minute or more.

2. My buddy has a real cool screen saver, where the screen is "raining" green digits\Chinese characters\letters down the screen, exactly like the scenes from the Matrix. I thought that would be cool for a beat-synced visual. Perhaps different groups of falling digits could represent different frequencies and the like.

3. I know the volume knob and it's use has been discussed before but has anyone ever suggested that it be used as a jog control? Just like a jog dial on a nice VCR, using it as a gradual fast forward and rewind controller, ie. the farther you rotate the knob to the right the faster it searches forward and vice-versa.

4. I do know that HiJack has a feature similiar to this, but, I'd like to see Emplode have the ablity to Normalize all or selected tracks before loading them onto the player. As far as i could gather, and I could be completely wrong, but HiJack doesn't have true Normalization in that it's more like an audio compression algorthym where it boosts the quiet sections and lowers the loud sections of the song. What I'd like to see Emplode do is scan all of my songs and adjust their volumes according to a Normalization setting, say 20% RMS or any other setting offered, set by the user. Heck, Nero can do it, can Emplode?

Thanks for your time in any future response,
