My uncle pulls around a 3000 lb boat beehind his corvette on a class 2 hitch. Which is way beyond what is recomended for the hitch and car, but he has never had a problem with it

Until he's sitting on the side of the road 2 miles from the lake with a burned up tranny...

A 3000 pound trailered boat falls into the Class 2 hitch range just fine, but a Vette is not a practical towing vehicle. I use a tranny cooler on my Dodge RAM to tow a 2500 pound bass boat, I can only imagine what stresses that Vette tranny goes through...

Ratings on hitches:
Class 1 - 1000 to 2500 GTW
Class 2 - 3500 GTW
Class 2.5 - 4,000 GTW
Class 3 - 10,000 WD/6,000 GTW
Class 4 - 12,000 WD/8,000 GTW
Class 5 - 14,000 WD/10,000 GTW
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX