You could probably do it with the -exec {} stuff for find or pipe the
strings through sed to replace all instances of ' ' (space) with '\ '
(backslash+space). xargs may be something to play with too.

I find the resulting command line too hard to read and too error prone to do it
interactively on the command line though...

I'd make a little perl script, something like this:


@files = `find $ARGV[0] -name '*.flac' -print`;

foreach $file (@files) {
chomp $file; #get rid of trailing newline
$file=~s/ /\\ /g; #substitute any spaces with backslash+space to please the next command line
#you may want to do further processing of the filename here...
`cp $file $file.backup`; #or do whatever you really want

Edit: Oops, beaten to it. Oh well...

Edited by mtempsch (09/04/2002 00:44)