Lets say I am in search mode, as append or insert or whatever.
I navigate by artist. Now I have tons of tracks by the same Artist, but want to append(insert, replace) only a few, but all I see in my display is something like this:

Bach, Johann Sebastian(96)

If I were to press ok now, I'd insert all of those. Instead, I want to navigate 'into' that list of tracks, insert/append/replace one, and stay in that list so that I can directly scroll up/dwn to select more of those.

Same thing applies to selection by title if you have several tracks with the same title, of course.

related: imagine two tracks with exactly the same title, but different artist.
Example: Metallica and Apocalyptica, tracks are 'One' and 'Nothing Else Matters'. Those are undiscernible in search mode...

Or 'War', Bruce Springsteen, and Frankie Goes To Hollywood...

With harddisks getting cheaper by the day, the situation is likely to occur more often...

any Hints (and/or plans for versions yet to come)?

--- Mk. I Blue 4G Serial [dont remember] Mk. II Green 6G+20G Serial 080000372