most music tends to follow this form:

where 'A' is the verse, 'B' is the chorus and 'C' is a bridge/ solo section.

Sonata form is generally ABCAB which is a little differen (and the form of YYZ). Still a lot of classical music implemented Sonata form as ABABCAB which is closer to the majority of pop music today, although the second AB set is generally a repeat of the first AB (although I guess normally lyrics are the only differenc in pop music). I suppose then the only difference is that most pop music does not return to an 'A' section after a developmental section (although there is a lot of pop music that does in fact do this).

In the end, I suppose I spoke to quickly because I realizse now (after writing the above) that most pop music is at least as identifable with Sonata form as 'YYZ' so I'll have to let this point go. Its too bad they didn't do the 'B' section a fifth above the 'A' section or this really would have been a classic example of Sonata form. As it stands, it just has to be a really great piece of music!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.