I just finished running it on mine ... I used the Radio Smack Analogue (for the Brits) SPL Meter (33-2050) ... I found a mic calibration for this meter, but it sure didn't match mine. I went in and calculated it by hand. Dood, this meter sucks as a mike ... frequency fall-off after 5Khz was quite significant, I was at least hoping for something through 10Khz. Building my own calibration file, I got it more or less flat, but by 10Khz, I was bumping it by 20db off center. Nevertheless, it sounds better than it did (hard to believe it could get better!)

I recommend this to anyone, not just the audiophiles. It's a good experiment at any rate, expand your horizons.

I would still like to see someone do a "crudimentary" RTA/EQ-Fixer on the Empeg. Yes, we know the mic input sucks at higher frequencies, but it'll be better than most people's current EQ settings. And that input can't suck as much as this SPL meter.

Any thoughts? Yay, Nay?
