Okay, I've looked and looked and it's been brought up a few times before, but what the hell is all the stuff on the Aux Info mode? (Rob previously said that only Toby knows, so: VISUAL and, to be safe, xyzzy. And how about a kibo for good measure?)

At the top, on the first line, it's apparently showing the ``track number'', apparently using silence to indicate when new tracks happen. Fair enough. It also shows time, which seems to pause when the input is silent. Also fair. But it then sometimes also has a slash and another time reading. What is that and when does it appear?

Directly underneath that, it shows a line that blinks annoyingly when the input is silent. Can someone at least confirm that it blinks on theirs as well?

Underneath those, to the left, it shows the ``artist'' and ``album'' as defined through emplode. Also easy enough.

Beneath those, sort of centered, there is a lateral gauge of some nature with a marker that remains pegged to the left when the input is silent, but that moves around seemingly randomly when there is noise. I have absolutely no idea what this is.

To the right side of the screen underneath the time or times and the line is a play/pause indicator that switches intelligently when there is something playing. Beneath that is a graph that looks roughly like:

and whose vertical lines are all bright when there's no sound being played, but become consecutively dim from the right when there is sound being played. And when the sound stops, it takes a second or so for all the lines to become bright again. I'm thinking that this might be an inverse max volume thing, but I'm not sure at all. It's only slightly less confusing than the random gause mentioned above.

Then, all the way to the right, there's a pair of what seem to be straightforward left and right channel volume indicators.

So what are those things that I can't identify?

And has anyone seen any use for setting names for the track, album, and artist fields?

And why does the aux mode exist under AC power? There's nowhere for me to attach an auxiliary input.
Bitt Faulk