Hi guys,

absolut off topic I know, but I'm absolut losing control,

Problem...I'm going to Australia next october on a long holidays, I'll buy a motorhome with my girlfriend and be travelling around for at least 6 months...so now my problem....

I bought an empeg, a Siemens ME45, I'll get an ipod, I bought a Xircom card for my Toshiba 660CDT notebook...

Problem, Xircom card does not work, i have not USB connection, I don't have a Firewire connection....

Solution to buy an ibook and to sell all this "pieces from everywhere" crap Notebook connections at once?

Will I be able to get to work in an ibook empeg, Siemens ME 45 Mobil sync and so on with VirtualPC or so alltogether....can anybody give me an advice?

thank you....sorry for off-topic whatever does this sounds like :-)

by the way...this is the best bbs ever!!! I really mean it guys...

Thanks / Gracias Mario The Spanish guy living in Ireland Homepage: www.livemyadventure.com