The RSX lost double-wishbone suspension, those oh so sexy bug eyes, and looks like a civic. Tell your friend to test drive a type-R see if he keeps that RSX. When I bought my used type-R from the dealership 2 years ago they wouldnt let me test drive it but the salesman told me if I regretted the purchase at all after 10 days he would let me take it back and would give me $500 for the trouble. Put it this way i knew before I even got home that this car was never going back to the dealership. Of course I blew the engine and finally totalled her a couple months ago, but the two years with her were the best and as soon as I can afford one Im getting another.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.