I checked the about dialog and an IP was assigned. The IP was so I thought that this might do it. I went into the options in emplode and entered the static IP and had it look for it. No luck. I got the flashlight treatment...

Ethernet Troubleshoot Log Using Static Connection:
Tue 16 Apr 2002 15:51:58.723 Logfile opened
15:51:58.723 emplode.cpp(179) : I [0950] Starting emplode version 2.0-beta11
15:51:58.813 EmplodePlayerTemplate.cpp(63) : I [0950] CEmplodePlayerTemplate::Attach
15:52:19.802 connection_win32.cpp(1058) : W [0294] connect() failed: 10060
15:52:45.813 connection_win32.cpp(1058) : W [0294] connect() failed: 10060