AND THEY'RE GONE...if any of you who bought from me are reading this, I appreciate your interest and I hope you'll enjoy your new toy as much as I'm going to.

And now to pay off that credit bill... that I can go right back into debt with the purchases of accessories!

Won't be needing a tuner, I like the one on my main deck just fine. Anyone know about FM modulators? I'd like to be able to turn my car into a portable radio station so that I can transmit to the rest of the gang when we convoy down to Arizona this summer...Anyone know how good the range is on those things? Or how to amplify the signal (hypothetically, of course, because to do so would be against FCC rules)?

ohh, and green might look pretty...and red...and maybe if i get bored, the clear one...neon colors? hmm...

and where is a good place to get drives? i ended up with the 20 gig one...was hoping to be able to keep the 60 gig, but figured i could always upgrade later.