Heard on the radio today that they are putting his death as the same day as Cobain's, April 8th. That he was dead almost 2 weeks before he was found. That is very sad. What a waste of talent and life.

As said in one of my favorite Staind songs "Waste"
"And [censored] you, for not having the strength in your heart to pull through. I've had doubts, I have failed, I've [censored] up, I've had plans, doesn't mean I should take my life with my own hands."

I'm not saying that Layne overdosed on purpose but he had to have known that the drugs were going to kill him someday. Most of us have gone through some really bad [censored] in our lives but we are still here mucking away day by day.

I give up trying to get the words right without being censored.

Edited by Laura (22/04/2002 17:22)

MKI #017/90
