After having used IBM and Maxtor, both of which showed problems after a while, I thought it was time to buy a WD. I bought the 100Mb version of the special editions with 8Mb cache. It REALLY does make a difference. IBM is NOT better ! (certainly not performance-wise and probably not failiure-proof-wise anymore either)
All I can say after 3 weeks of use it that this WD drive is a great piece of hardware! of course, I can't say anything about the MTBF of this drive yet, but considering previous experiences with WD (granted, several years ago), I believe I'm golden.

I must say : if Dell would ship worldwide I would buy another one of those drives in a heartbeat. But of course, only US citizens are able to profit from this bargain...
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup