"Let me know if you need any more help using this program."

I do need a little help.
My Mp3-Tag Studio v2.06 seems to only write ID3v1 tags.
If there is an ID3v2 tag already written, it takes precedence.
I can't find where within the program it's possible to check for
ID3v2 tags. (I have read previously that Mp3 Tag-Studio handles both).
At the moment I cannot check to see if an ID3v2 tag is present.
Also, ID3v2 tags are ideal for long song titles.

On the same note, I had a version of Winamp that displayed both the
ID3v1 and ID3v2 information, and you could choose either and edit accordingly.
My current version 2.5c only shows ID3v1.
Does anyone know which version I am looking for?
Oh, I just found v2.76 on a backup CD, I'll give it a try.

And, I also found Mp3Tag-Studio v2.17 !!
I'll try both of these and see if I answer my own question.

I'd appreciate if anyone guides me in the right direction.
[color:purple]"Where does he get those fabulous toys?"</font color=purple>