Hmmm I suppose it is sort of a moot point with respect to the MK3 - and a problem left to the buyer of the Sony or Pioneer HD-based unit. I agree - sitting and ripping CDs in the car is quite clumbsy - but I think the idea was for the casual user, as you listened to the CD for the first time it is automatically ripped to the HD - as you are driving around and listening to it. Taking this a step further, you would eventually rip (most) all your CDs just by listening to them.

Obviously - it seems to me that these solutions offer little in the way of organization flexibility of playlists, etc. It is so much easier to do this on a computer. I don't know if the hard drives on the Sony or Pioneer are removable - but I believe the spec I read somewhere for the mk3 was for a removable hard drive and a cradle with which to attach it to a PC - and subsequently load music and organize playlists much like the Mk2.

Could anyone clear that up for me please if I missed something?
BleachLPB ------------- NewFace MK2a