Yeah, what he said
There is no "right". There's just a wide range of aceptable. Somewhere, the tire life / traction / mileage / snap handling / constant cornering lines all converge on the graph at some psi that you can accept. Not that you have such a graph, but if you did... Also remember that Honda set those numbers based on the "average driver" in their target market, and not necessarily the way YOU drive.
Myself, I'd start at the mfr recommendation on the door sill. On the fronts, I'd add or subtract depending on how I felt about a few things: 1) Does it sound like an overinflated basketball if I hit a bump int he road - a "ping" of sorts? 2) Do I get good grip accelerating? 3) Is the tread wearing evenly? etc. For the rear, once I have the fronts dialed in, I'd go with whatever gives good handling. Too much air may make the backend loose. Not enough will stick it at the expense of lots of understeer.
Of course every car, every driver, and every situation will vary. How's that for a cop-out? But it looks like you are well versed in each pro and con. At this point all I can think of is - experiment!