OK, what has he done (and who gave him the name) to deserve the swedish name for devil?

Well, when I first got him, I was gonna name him Elvis. After having him home for about 4 hours, I realized it didn't suit him. So he was nameless for about 3 weeks. When it got to the point where he started to think "hey hey you little bastard stop that" was his name (he scratched my eyeball one day, one of his nastier offenses, he was a very bad kitten), I had to start seriously looking for a name. I started looking for foreign language translations for little bastard, and stumbled onto that lovely cursing in swedish website. He got that name because they had audio clips so I could learn how to pronounce it.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony