Well, I guess there's no accounting for my (sleazy?) tastes, each to their own I guess!

Well done (sincerely) on finding that picture (mtv-china.com!), wow, nice find.

Thinking about the music video reminded me also of an odd tale; When that video was current VCRs weren't commonly owned and there was no such thing as MTV at the time. The only place you would see the video was on Top Of The Pops in the UK. The TV prog. only showed current peformances so once they stopped showing it that was it. Out of sheer desperation one day, a friend of mine wrote to the TV station (BBC) practically begging to buy a copy of the video. About 6 weeks later he received a VCR copy of the TOTP video along with a nicely typed letter thanking him for his interest!

I'd like to get my copy now but somehow I doubt they'd be interested

Nostalgia, it ain't what it used to be.