I hope that the 4500 will be offered outside the US.

Rob, since you seem to have contacts in this area [given you know the pricing] - If the SB Replay 4500 team are looking for a Beta Tester in a non-European country with PAL I'm willing to beta or alpha test the products for free.

I already have 2 Tivos so I can compare directly the 4500 with the Tivo and how well it works or doesn't work [and I have a Pace decoder to test the 'satellite' reception/handling as well].

FWIW: We use PAL B/G down here, with NICAM Stereo, Australia also use PAL B/G but they use A2 or whatever that German Stereo system is, not NICAM.

I understand from Tivo that the NICAM support in the UK Tivos was one of the real issues that the UK Tivo had - so if Replay plan to release it outside the US, testing this feature in what-ever countries its going to be sold would be worthwhile.