Anyone else feel free to stop me and tell me I'm doing it all wrong but this is how I do it. Don't bother patching things up to 2.00 b11. Just download it....

0. I am assuming you have extracted the toolchain correctly here and have a correct path. My path is "PATH=/usr/local/armtools-empeg/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/christianh/bin" and works fine for me. As you already have noticed, the compiles use the arm-empeg-linux-sometool versions.

1. Download the v2b11 kernel tree from Mark's Site (here)

2. Download the three patches:
hijack 265 (or later if there is one)

3. Unpack and untar the bz2 linux kernel archive -> anywhere! That's crap about it being in a specific place. It will create a linux-v2.00b11 directory in your current path (bunzip2 and tar xf <file> works fine for me)

4. Change the name of that directory to whatever you want like "mykernel" or something.

5. Change into that directory so you are now in /whatever/path/you/like/mykernel

6. Apply the patches. These work a little different because Mark does his diff differently (keh?) So...
patch -p0 </path/to/voladj.patch
patch -p0 </path/to/rdsfake.patch
patch -p1 </path/to/v265.hijack.v200b11.patch

The -p1 means remove the first level of the path information.

There will be no patch errors. If there are something is wrong.

7. You now have fully patched hijack kernel.

8. Copy the default config in...
For a Mk1 kernel
cp arch/arm/def-configs/empeg-car1 arch/arm/def-config/empeg

For a Mk2 kernel
cp arch/arm/def-configs/empeg-car2 arch/arm/def-config/empeg

Edit : That'll teach me to do this off the top of my head. Missed a step between 8 and 9

8.5 Run "make empeg_config"

9. Now run "make oldconfig". This will answer all but one of the zillion questions you got when you ran make configure. The one you have to answer is the command line. Simply press enter because the empeg kernel ignores it anyway.

10. Then run make dep; make clean; make zImage

11. Upload your shiny new kernel from arch/arm/boot/zImage

HTH. Let us know. This works fine for me but as the old saying goes your mileage may vary. We'll worry about doing diffs and patch files once you get this done.

Tony or perhaps Loren (Hijack FAQ guy?) could this go in the FAQ somewhere. It took me and I know others a lot of time figuring this stuff out. If I had a step by step instruction list like this...

Edited by Shonky (02/05/2002 23:43)
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)