Well, I went and downloaded Mozilla (RC1). I must say, it's come a long way since my last try (.93, I think). I'm using it off and on, getting used to it again.
it does the same damned thing IE does!!!! I click a link and it opens up in a new window!!!! ARGH! I've got the "Windows opened by the Web page" box checked under the "tabbed browsing" settings, but it doesn't work! "Load links in the background" is also checked.
So... how about it Mozilla freaks? What's the deal? Even the mighty Gecko (talk about an oxymoron!) can't stop the multitude of browser windows, eh?
I like the tabbed browsing, but it just doesn't work unless I manually open up a new tab. P.I.T.A.!!! I'd rather hit CTRL+N. The toolbar buttons are too big, also. I like the shrunken ones the old Netscape and IE allow. The lack of drag and drop for the toolbar bookmarks is a big downer, too. Okay, enough venting.

I do like it, though. Maybe some of this will be fixed in the next version. It's certainly more stable than past versions, but I haven't used it enough to say it's more stable than IE.