Ok, I'll admit it. I have downloaded Mp3's from the net before. Previously with napster, now audiogalaxy.
Most of the tracks I've downloaded and liked I've bought on CD lateron. Most, not all. (I'll be so fair as to admit that)
But I've seen that Audiogalaxy now has an option of upgrading to a "gold" membership. Which would mean $22 a year. I would gladly pay that amount, hell I would even pay double or triple that IF that would mean then that when I download an Mp3 thought their service that I'm NOT doing something illegally.

Therefor I'm in doubt. I want to pay them, but then I'd have to register with them I don't know what they will do with that info. If it's a normal buisiness transaction : great. But I don't want to risk the RIAA (or their equivalent in my country) to come knocking on my door saying they've received my info though the Audiogalaxy service and are now going to sue the hell out of me.
See my problem? I WANT to pay, but because this is such a grey area, I'm afraid to do so.

Does anybody have any experiences with them? Is my fear justified or do you all believe it does not make any sense and I should just register?
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