Ugh...after 13 years in various customer service fields, I hate this one most. I hate customers who tell me this more. Someone actually told me that this weekend. I wanted to slap her. Badly.

Ahh, I do miss my old job at times. I worked with executive power to answer complaints and problems. And in general, the more cocky the customer was to me, the less I did. And some people didn't realise there wasn't a non legal route above me, and the legal one was pointless for most. Having access to the one system that controls every aspect of customer information is fun. "Hmm, you don't want to work with me to resolve this? <type type type> Let me know when you are ready. At this time, I am the only person in this company you can talk to. All tech support and sales staff have been instructed to not provide you service. Have a nice day *click*"