I've had no problems with my Airport. I bought it, hooked it into the LAN, and played with the options I could with the configurator (http://www.karlnet.com/download/index.html), then hooked my 3Com Airconnect card into my laptop. I actually had the problems with the 3Com Airconnect card, because under 2000 it conflicted with the 3Com MiniPCI modem in my laptop. (Problem is fixed now, and 3Com knows the problem thanks to me).

I have never really tested the range of mine, but I have not had a problem anywhere inside or outside my house. I've also used it at a few LAN parties, and just hooked it up and played.

I do hate the fact that all options can't be configured without a Mac, but the price between it and all the other access points when I looked convinced me it was worth it. (Plus the 14 day return policy was handy to have). The nearest priced one at the time was $800, and definitly not worth it for me.

If other solutions are cheeper now, it would be worth it for PC software to configure them.