"-- but be prepared to lose everything you own and spend some time in jail when your toxic waste finds its way into my water supply"

It's an analogy, kemosabe.

"Tobacco is the only product sold to the general public that, when used as intended causes the death of the user"

So do greasy hamburgers.

Whether or not ETS is harmful or not is pretty irrelevant. The point is it's your building and if you want to inhale toxic fumes, then that's your business. If you want to smoke dope, then that's your business. And if someone else doesn't like it, then they don't have to go in your building. Nobody is misinformed about what they're in for and I think it's pretty clear cut. Don't come to my house and tell me how to run it. It's like a backseat driver. When some starts backseat-driving in my car, I stop the car and offer to let them walk. They usually stop.