I assume that you're running Hijack v263, as you're not reporting psychadelic LEDs with the headlights on.

Is this a constant thing? Or only sometimes?

Various people (including me) have seen this problem intermittently at boot up - for some reason the very first button LED command sometimes gets lost - ragardless of the headlights are on or off. But I haven't seen anyone say that it is reproduceable every time yet. Hijack v263 has changed the dimmer detection logic though - this should be more robust than it was before, although I'm quite prepared to investigate allegations of new bugs

I'll take another look later, but can you confirm HJ version and whether it was solidly or intermittantly reproduceable?

Edited by genixia (30/04/2002 10:54)
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.