I'm still around, just very busy. My wife and I recently started our own Art business (the reason I originally purchased my CNC Mill) and I work Full-Time at Microsoft so my free time is next to nothing. I've been waiting to get several fasica orders before I went ahead and purchased more supplies and set back up the shop. I now have about 7 orders and most of the supplies have arrived (some wood is back ordered) so I will begin fabricating more custom wood fascia's next week. I'm not giving anyone a timeline for completion as I just can't guarantee anything. I'm no longer making the maple burl fascia's as the wood is very soft and difficult to work with. Each one took me at least 4 hours and $25+ in supplies so it's not worth my time. For the next batch I will be cutting approx 10-15 fascia's (using 4 different woods) and then people can just choose what they want from a series of photographs. Again, the fascia's are $100 + shipping.