
I was just wondering a couple of things about the display. I've read that it's controlled directly from the CPU, rather than through some kind of display controller, so I wondered if either of these ideas were feasible:

FSAA on the display. For those of you who *don't* follow the PC gaming scene (what, all of you?!), FSAA (Full Screen Anti-Aliasing) renders scenes at double (or more) resolution, and then scales them back down, eliminating jagged edges. Is anything like this possible on the empeg? I don't know how it would look...

Secondly, full grayscale images/visuals. As the four levels of grayscale are done by (I believe) pulse width modulation (i.e. flickering the pixels on and off to give a shaded appearance), is there any fundamental reason why this should be limited to four levels?

Just a couple of thoughts - don't know if they're desirable, feasible or practical.


Empeg Mk2a 128G with amber lit buttons kit - #30102490

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