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Interesting. No, this hasn't been brought up before.

I guess it's doing a string compare to decide whether or not it's the same thing. If so, I'll bet whoever coded it knew that this would happen, and they decided it was rare enough to let it slide.

Figures I'd find it, too. And the way I name my files, I'll continue to see it. (In my music collection, I have many remixes and different versions of songs, and instead of putting the 'version' of the song in the ID tag "Title", I put it in my Comments field. (This is where my 'wish' for a customizeable Info:Line text came from)

Now, it happened once, a long time ago, but I ignored it, because I wasn't sure if I saw what I thought I saw. Now it happened, and I was able to recreate it. Not that much of a deal, really, Just saw it and thought I should say something.

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper