Gee I can think of at least a dozen more things not to do to the display board. Here are some highlights:
- step on it
- break the glass nipple
- break the glass
- break the capacitor on the back
- see how much it flexes before breaking
- mis-align the display connector
- fly a kite in a storm with the board attached to the kite
- play britney spears music near it
- have Steve Irwin poke a reptile with it
- use it as a chock for an aircraft
- fax it to someone
- eat off it
- garden with it
- fish with it
- use it in anti terrorist activities
- use it in terrorist activities
- play pool with it
- play in a pool with it
- target practice
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?