Yes. I rarely have the full album unless it's a compliation. I only keep the tracks that I actually like and discard the rest of the album. Of course that can be a pain if a song from an album grows on your later, but 90% of the time I know if a song is going to do that or not.

One of the problems I have is that because I don't collect full albums, or rip the entire album if it's in my possession, is that I can use an automated progam to pull the IDv3 tags. I own the program Tag&Rename but it only will pull the information for an entire album, not an individual song.

The Soup Views have made everyones life easier in terms of organization and for making playlists on the fly, but it has increased the amount of time spent on getting IDV3 Tags corect! I going to tell you, you don't know what repetive motion is until you have tried to fill out IDv3 tags in a lot of mp3's even when using a program.

There really is a need for a program that will go thru every indiviual song and pull the complete info out of the various music databases and assemble a idv3 tag for your songs. Until that day, another piece is missing from my wishlist.
Mark I + Mark IIa | Jeep 97 TJ
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