Now Tony, don't get crazy on us here. Stay focused. This isn't willy nilly or random private individuals. This is in cases of theft, to the owners of the stolen property.

How many web access logs and statistics can you find by doing a search on google? Assuming they aren't filtering it, millions upon millions of people regularly put their access logs as publicly available. Now I agree this is a bad idea, but this isn't illegal. What we'd be doing is miniscule compared to this.

In addition, unless you're the guy who stole the empeg, you've got nothing to worry about.

If the thief chooses to steal the empeg, and chooses to sync it, then they choose to get caught.

Tony we're not asking for your home address so that I can post information on what kind of TV you have ... I'm asking for an ip address of a guy who just broke into my house, or my garage, violated MY privacy, violated my safety and the safety of my family, and stole MY property.

I'm asking for his IP address because I can give this to the police to track him down and put this criminal in jail. This information isn't something that is private. Everytime he hits a porn site, this information is available to that porn site. This ip address (that 'belongs' more to a telco than the individual) is just a means of tracking my stolen property.

I don't understand how this could be a problem for you. If it means getting someone's property returned, and putting a criminal in jail, I'll take the damned responsability of potentially getting sued by that jack-ass. Everytime I step out of my house, there's the likelihood that I'm going to get sued for someone. Everytime I shake someone's hand, in civil courts this is battery. I touched that man. If he wants to sue me for that, he's allowed to. If getting my property means I get one more tick on my "potentially sued for..." list, then so be it.

Key Facts:
1. IP address is public information, available whenever you use it.
2. IP address does not belong to an individual. It is a marker provided by the telco.
3. IP address would be that of the last location of a sync on stolen property.
4. IP address and serial number are only information available to theft victim, (maybe timestamp), and therefore police.
