Oookay, got everything running successfully, and after looking thru the code for the viewer (simpler than I expected..!) I notice I need a 'hijack.h' header file, which wasn't in the armstools dist I got from Mark's site, and didn't SEE it on his site, nor is it on my empeg.. Where can I grab a copy?

Also, pending the 'grabbing' above, I'm going to just make it, and go from there. However, in anticipating problems, how do I tell 'make' or 'cc' to use the libs in the armstools directory? Or will it look there automagically since my PATH has the ARM modification to it (per the README)? Or, will I have to tell it - using the "-I..." parameter?

(Who, for the record, rates his skills at: C - 1/10, Linux (RedHat) - 5/10. )
Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper