How cool would it be to have a map of the world, with all the known empeg user locations on it, possibly even updated in real time?

I thought of this while playing around with a nifty little utility called VisualRoute. This handy tool works like a standard trace route, with one major exception. It has a map of the world, and visually plots out the course on the map. Pretty slick.

So I got to thinking... What if we took the IP addresses of all of the machines that connect to this forum, somehow plugged them all into an app like VisualRoute, and then slapped up a link to the resulting map?

If done correctly, the result would a "Hit Counter" the likes of which the world has never seen. (Well, at least I've never seen anything like it.)

If it has been done before, oh well, somebody beat us to it. I still think it's a cool idea. If not, who better to bust it out first than the empeg crowd...?

So, what do you guys think?
MK2 in an Impreza 2.5RS