At last another moron joins the board i was beginning to feel lonely
Right emplode goes on what ever computer you want to upload music from to the rio.
The upgrade files used by emplode to then install the software onto the rio are kept on the same computer but are then sent over to riocar when an upgrade is performed.
Obviously you need to use the same version of an upgrade file with the same version of emplode 1.03 will ignore 2.0b11 totally
The player you got if it came from the factory should have 1.03 on it but if you got it second hand god knows what is on it unless you go to the about screen on the player.
Stick with 1.03 till you got most of the music onto it and you have made friends with the riocar as 2.0b11 could throw you a curve ball.
P.Allison fixer of big engines
Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord
Aberdeen Scotland