those who have listed them must go back and revise their lists immediately.

Whew! Glad I made the right call!! (I agree re: multi-album sets qualifying so long as they are really a single release...)

- Eyes Open (1992)

This only beat N'Dour's JOKO into the top 10 because of one song I could not live without -- Yo Li Li (Fulani Groove). The newer JOKO is a bit slicker and I might even like it better overall. Not sure.

I was lucky to see N'Dour twice in very pretty small venues when he toured to support Eyes Open. At that time the band was 14 people + N'Dour jammed onto a tiny little stage. It was incomparable. Looks like the "Super Etoile" configuration is now down to 9 members + N'Dour. I am keeping my eye open for West Coast appearances. They may be at WOMAD/US in August and could have some dates along with that trip. I may go to WOMAD, but the sets tend to be shorter, not like this 12-4AM NYC appearance .

The thing that always keeps Gabriel's So on top of my lists is Manu Katche's percussion. Now there's someone I want to see someday.

And it warms the cockles of my heart...

It's my job, man. It's my job.

(Cosmic Thing rules. Fantastic sailing soundtrack for larger crew on sunny days with winds 10-15. I only blame the B-52s CT for forcing me to dance with my favorite niece at a wedding and totally screwing up my back. Small price, I guess).


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.