So what are you planning to write now that you're an Empeg master hacker?

I deliberately held off answering until I had a go at some things to see how I'd do, and I'm happy to report that all is going quite well! I have several ideas to attempt in my quest toward uber-hackerdom, and my first idea is nearing completion. (not entirely an original idea, but is fully my impemenation.)

I won't tell what it is quite yet, but it's something I wanted for my own use, and I'm sure it could be of great use for others as well. Right now I'm sorting out a few final issues and thoroughly commenting my code so others could learn from it like I did from others. Hopefully a fully functioning version will be released in the next 18-24 hours.


P.S. I had to patch emptriv to add something too, you'll see that at the same time. (This is pretty minor.)
1998 BMW ///M3 30 GB Mk2a, Tuner, and 10 GB backup