Funny thing is, though everything works, I can't see the file in the /proc directory! Is this normal ? I mean, I've looked before I uploaded the file too, and then also I couldn't find a empeg_kernel file.

Why is this ? I'm sorry is this is a stupid question, bug I'm not that big into networking.

Not really a networking thing, but a Unix thing...

Is it listed at all or is just the size off? Do you see the other files in /proc? My ftp client (Leech ftp) lists the "files" (see below) in /proc without problems (see attachment).

Here's the interesting thing: the stuff listed under /proc doesn't really exist... It's created by the kernel at run-time and offers interfaces to various functions and information - so it's not real files, though they should look like it.

What happens when you upload the empeg_kernel file is that the kernel senses the upload to that file and automatically diverts it to the flash memory instead. If you read from the file, the kernel senses that to, and reads from the flash memory and passes that out to the reader.


93284-proc.gif (125 downloads)
