Hi Paul!

a) Do you have commands disabled through your config.ini file?

I guess not. I have never changed my config.ini file. To be sure, I've pulled my config.ini file from my player and looked at it with ultraedit, but I don't see anything that (I think) should matter being disbled.

b) Can you telnet to your ip address port 80 and get a connection / result? (example: telnet 192.168.x.y 80)

If I enter that command in a Command box the screen goes black and nothing happens. So I guess not. (I'm sorry if I'm doing something wrong, but I've never used telnet before) BTW, I'm using win2000.

c) Do you get any http working at all?

What do you mean by that? If you mean : can you do regular internet surfing, then yes, no problem whatsoever. If you mean : if you try to connect to the player using http, does it at least do something ?, Then no, nothing but showing me a timeout.
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup