This is weird.

On my machine, I have a multiple boot setup. Both win98se (don't shoot me, please). Both started out identical but have, of course, diverged with different software. After installing a NIC, I had to set it up in both systems. So I went ahead and made Emplode available in both as well.

The problem is that in one system, ethernet is zippy quick. As fast or faster than USB.
But the other system just don't work that way. The USB is fine, but the ethernet is excruciatingly slow. About the speed of the serial connection - believe it or not. The initial Emplode database transfer and such takes forever.

I've made sure that all the network settings, IP subnets and the like are identical to both systems. But the one is still slow.

Any pointers to resolving this very annoying problem?
-- Terry K -- 30Gb Smoke / Toyota 4x4 30Gb Amber / Bounder RV Pants first, then shoes