I have just spent some time tagging my collection in order to take advantage of the advanced search/organization/filtering capabilities of the Empeg, and am in need of tips on how to do two things (I have been searching the FAQ and past postings for these without success).

1) How do I set the PIN tag for a tune, other than by using Emplode's properties dialog? Is there any way to work with this tag outside the Empeg? I would like to create PINs for my tunes that are based on some rules that I can implement efficiently in tools that run on the PC and operate on MP3 files on the hard drive.

2) I would like to get a listing of all the tunes that make up a playlist, so that I can do mass setting of Wendy flags. For example, my hierarchy goes PseudoGenre/Artist/Album/tunes, and would like to somehow select all the tunes under a specific PseudoGenre (e.g., rock) for mass application of a Wendy flag (e.g., this is rock even if the genre is reggae). Is there perhaps an advanced search term I could use?

Would appreciate any pointers. My apologies if these are obvious things or things that have been discussed before. I couldn't get at either of these after several hours of searching/experiementing.