I'm exploring the possibility of hosting a BBS for a non-profit organization (potentially two, actually). Given the nature of the organization, I'm looking for something that is free, and, given the nature of the potential administrator I am looking for something that is at least idiot-resistant!

Actually the first criteria (free) is the one that is non-negotiable.

My first stop was sourceforge and I looked at a few that are fairly high in activity rating. Tops on that list was phpBB. The features did not look too shabby.

I don't want to make this overly complicated -- I only expect a few forums -- but I also need enough sophistication to validate/control membership and I think that e-mail notification of messages would be very useful in this case.

So, the purpose of this post is to see if anyone has any recommendations of another package to look at or, for that matter, any critical advice (Like, "You Fool!")


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.