(even with a Catholic Priest!).....Zing!

Disclaimer: I stole that line from the Triumph piece that Loren posted. Fair enough, though. My high school *is* the one that has gotten *two* honorable mentions on NPR for defrocked diddlin' Jesuits!!

..... Back then, they were all free....

Back then *anything* with supposed click-through was free!!

but the money they're asking for them nowadays is insane.

Well, compared to 1-900-4BAMBIE, they're a steal!!

My results were very good. I tried it for about three months before I lost interest when I found a better situation with a girl I met via more conventional means.

It will be interesting to see what qualifies as "conventional" after 20-30 years of IM and SMS, but I'd not quibble with the superiority of the present-day 'conventional" -- mmeet someone at a dinner, party, work, whatever.

Online, the quantity was definitely not there in the 20-25 age group (most girls at that age won't let themselves try an online personals site, for fear that they're throwing in the towel on finding prince charming.)

Agree with the "Prince Charming" hangup. Men suffer from it, too, but to a lesser degree. What to call it? "Cinderella effect"?

But the quality of the six or seven girls I ended up meeting in person from the online personals was very nice. I think if you're in the 30+ range you're probably bound to find a higher percentage of females. I just think that while there are exceptions (including several female friends of mine) most 20something women have a tough time making the decision to post an online personal ad, or even to respond to any (though I'm sure many browse them for entertainment purposes.) So it tends to be a very large number of dudes competing for a very small number of chicks.

Well, I would say that women, across all age brackets, put a lot more at risk when they expose themselves on something like an on-line service. Yes, there are crazy, stalking women out there as well, but women are more likely to get harassed or lied to by scumbags and psychopaths (Trust me on this. I have female friends who have gotten 15 year-old photos from smooth, on-line "brain surgeons" who turned out to be unemployed lying ex-felons. Young women can expect a steady barrage from older men, I think.)

You're better off at the local bar, or even the laundromat.

You've obviously never spent an hour in my local bar!!

It depends, I think. When you get into the 30s and 40s, folks may have a routine (work routine, single parenthood, other stuff) that doesn't permit a lot of bar/laundromat time. Also, as more friends drift into the obsessions of marriage and parenthood, there are fewer single folks (whether single or reverted to singlehood by divorce) to hang out in those bars and laundromats with. Fewer parties, even. (Sigh.) I agree that women (and guys) are more inclined (more resigned??) to on-line services as they get older -- maybe more realistic about how/where they might meet a kindred spirit.

But the online thing definitely allows you to weed out girls you would never even consider talking to in a bar for physical reasons.

The notion of who's a "keeper" for any man or woman is hard to predict. No matter how politically incorrect, though, if the attraction ain't there, you can't make it up and pretend that it is. However harsh, the online services are pretty decent at helping implement that filter.

It also has the great quality of letting you *kinda* get to know the girl and what she's about without the stress of a face-to-face meeting. You can sit around in your apartment in your underwear, drinking beer, watching TV, and chatting with chicks, trying to find one that interests you. God bless the Internet![

/Jim fishing in pocket for smiley emoticon...

But seriously, it's got its advantages over "traditional" pickup places like bars....

Well, hey, the beer is cheaper and it's smoke-free!!

, but as long as the pickings are slim in my age group, and as long as the sites charge an obscene amount of money, I'm going to stick to conventional dating. In the meantime, I'll check in on the personals sites now and then, but unless the woman of my dreams jumps out at me, I'm not ponying up a red cent for that privelege.

My only take home message for Burgin and others is to not get too hung up on the "pay" or Cinderella factors. Do whatever combination of things makes you happy, meet-the-opposite(or same)-sex-wise. I got hung up on the supposed "personals" stigma for longer than I should have. Keep your expectations in check, take a chance. Hell, you might even wind up in a cool book club!

Nothing wrong with being single now, either!

heh. You are *obviously* getting lucky!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.