
Space has always been a stopping point for me. Every time I think about it, I debate between getting a cabinet (I am not handy enough to build one), getting a real old machine (Tempest) or streamlining a dedicated PC into a small MAME appliance. So far, the last is all I have managed so far...

I was looking into rigging up the hanaho joystick with a small case computer (like the Cappuccino PC) and just making a small box to house the computer, trackball and headphone jack (no need / space for real speakers). Maybe not even the small box, since the Cappuccino is so small. It can also be attached to the back of a flat panel monitor - not the best for gaming, but for MAME it should be fine. Nice and tiny.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs