Is there a way to reset the empeg player to it's default shipping state, specifically the contents of the hard drives? I had a hang last night during syncing (ok, I _think_ it was hung, it definitely wasn't doing the "checking disk integrity" part, but I may have jumped the gun a little) and when I got it booted back up and re-synced again, everything was gone. I had only downloaded about two gigabytes worth of stuff, so I'm not losing any sleep over it.

However, I notice that I didn't get the two gigabytes back. It appears that the tracks I had put there are still out there somewhere, but not accessible. Even though I've got a lot of space, I'd really like that two gigabytes back.

Any hints?

Sunnyvale, CA
MkI / 20GB / Blue / SN00309
Sunnyvale, CA
MkI / 20GB / Blue / SN00309