No kidding? You don't make custom playlists?

Actually no. I don't see the need for it. The directory structure of the mp3's on my empeg is as such that, depending the different subdirectory I choose, I get to hear exactly what I want. (genre, that is, shuffled).

And if a song gets played that I'm not in the mood for at that time, I simply FF. If I want to change genre in the middle of such an "auto generated playlist", I simply use the bookmark feature. (though that's not really necessary with the "least often played" shuffle feature, still I use it now and then)

The empeg experience is enhanced A LOT if you've thought about the directory structure of the MP3's and filled in all the tags correctly BEFORE uploading them to the unit.
Sure, it's a lot more work, but IMHO it's well worth it!
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