It's not so much a problem with the PC software, but with the user.

You cannot just unplug the iPod from the firewire port without using the "Unplug or Eject Hardware" command in windows first. If you do, It's a good chance you will screw the iPod. This mostly happens if you get too excited after uploading a bunch of tunes.
That being said, I use EphPod and think it's the best way to sync (Mac and PC included). The (slight) problem is, you pay a premium for the iPod and you must buy software on top of that.
I think most of the things in that iPod kit will work with the nomad. I have not seen the kit personally, but it comes with a firewire charger. I am not sure if the Nomad is able to charge through firewire, but I don't think it does.