Thanks for replying!

I've tried scrolling through the all tracks view, and although it's easy to spot duplicates, it's also a pretty dull way to spend a couple of hours. Being a technical sort of chap, I'd like to just click a few buttons and get a list of all the duplicates automatically!

I suppose there's not really that many duplicates on there, but I've also uploaded a lot of stuff from the net, and lots of different 'best of' albums. My gut feel is that there's probably a few hundred duplicate tracks on there at least. Dance music is probably the worst offender - I usually buy dance compilation CD's rather than albums by one artist so I end up with quite a lot of overlap.

I'm probably just being a bit anal in terms of the amount of disk space it would save, but I'd like to only see a track listed once when I use the remote to search.

And sadly I don't have a mirror of my Mp3 files on my PC. Most of the conversion I've done on my PC at work as a sort of manual background task (took weeks to do, so better to get paid to do it!) which doesn't have 40Gb spare - so I've uploaded the tracks in batches, then deleted the Mp3's from the hard disk to make room for the next batch. I guess the network guys might get a bit upset if I started filling the public fileservers with my mp3 collection too!

My biggest concern is having to do the manual checking more than once ever in my life - I'd rather write a program to check through the exported playlist instead. It just strikes me that this would be a feature that might be useful to others as well, and would be much easier to write within jEmplode as the playlist is already resident in memory...