OK, everyone, this is the curent start of play.
First, I must apologise for the long delay in getting this thing off the ground. Just about when I was ready to begin shipping, several other, very important/time critical contracts popped up, and I had no choice but to drop everything and work on them. Since then, I haven't even had time to more that glance at the BBS, or do much tuner work. The useful bit about this work is that it has stuffed the kitty full enough that she makes little clinking noises when she walks, so I should be able to do more kits at once.
I am still having issues surrounding the credit card facilities, since they want a silly amount of (in my view) redundant and irrelevant documentation. It's taking a long time to get sorted, but sorted it will be. In the meantime, I may just use Paypal or something similar, to avoid any more delay.
I have also been looking into the issue of business insurance and legal disclaimers against people sodding up their empegs and blaming me, which could get expensive. I fully realise that 99% of the prople on this BBS are both well aware of their abilities and most unlikely to cast unwarranted aspersions, but I can think of at least one person who could be a problem in this regard. You know who I mean.

I have to take at least basic precautions.
The tuner kit is finished, and thanks to the critiques from Tony Fabris and the other beta-builders, the documentation is done and will be uploaded soon. 50 kits will be ready to ship just after christmas, and the difficult parts (tuner module, maxim mosfet switch, etc) for more are on order and will hopefully arrive soon after.
The guy who was going to do the web-site had to go away on business for a while, but that should also be up after christmas.
So, to sum up: All going well, and the various bits of outstanding issues being sorted in the next couple of weeks or so, shipping should begin in earnest by mid-january.
I've even bought 50 little cardboard boxes to ship the kits in, and a tape-gun.
As a little 'sorry', the first 50 orders will receive a 10% discount. As soon as the web-site is up and ready to take orders, I will make an announcement to that effect.
Thanks for the relative lack of criticism on the delay, and sorry once again for the time taken. I had hoped to ship before christmas, but life... What can you do?