I went ahead and setup an ftp server for lrcdb.com. This will be a temporary way for us to share LRC files until I get the site up; although, I may find a way to leave it up, integrated with the database.
To have an account setup for you, please send an e-mail to
ftprequest@lrcdb.com with the subject “FTP REQUEST” in the following format:
Login: your_bbs_user_name
Password: desired_password
Accounts will be granted to members of the BBS
only. You must be an active member, with at least 20 posts. We want quality lyrics here, folks.

You will receive confirmation via e-mail within a day.
I’ll try to do this within just a few hours, if possible.
Users will only be able to access their own directory.
Rules for posting are as follows:
- Uploads are only allowed in your directory (named the same as your login).
- All files must be named with the following structure (including the []’s):
- [Artist]-[Year]-[Album]-[Track Number]-[Song Title].lrc
- Only alpha-numeric characters can be used.
- An underscore may be substituted for a space if desired.
- The year must be a 4-digit number (i.e. 2003).
- The track number must be a 2-digit number (i.e. 02).
See the example in Justin's directory (/justinlarsen)
For retrieval, use the following login and password:
Login: lrcdb
Password: lrcdb
This account only has read access to all folders.
That’s it! I can hear the groaning already…
I know this is a hassle, but I wanted a way to make sure we get quality files, and to make it easier for pulling those files into the database before the site goes live.
So, who’s first?